The Reef Octopus CO2 Scrubber Top Covers are manufactured to precisely fit the range of consumer skimmers, when paired together with the CO2 Reactor (C2T-90) (not included)
This lid will capture CO2-laden air exiting the skimmer and pass it through the supplied pipe to be scrubbed by CO2 media in a reactor. It is designed to be used with the Octo C2T-90 although other CO2 scrubbers are available.The Reef Octopus CO2 Scrubber Top Covers are manufactured to fit precisely the range of consumer skimmers, when paired together with the CO2 Reactor (C2T-90).
This lid will capture CO2-laden air exiting the skimmer and pass it through the pipe to be scrubbed by CO2 media in a reactor. It is designed to be used with the Octo C2T-90 although other CO2 scrubbers are available.
Compatible with the following skimmers : Classic 110-S Classic 110-INT Classic 110-EXT SRO-1000INT