Frag Farm Sulphur Corrective Dose - 250g

SKU 00661
13 available
Product Details

Sulphur is often an overlooked element that is consumed by bacteria within your reef tank. About 60% of all ICPs in the UK have low sulphur levels and therefore the reactor ion, sulphate, is low. Low sulphur is often found when dosing large quantities of bacteria or carbon dosing to reduce nutrients.

Keeping your sulphate level at about 900ppm is recommended and do not let it fall below 850ppm. We supply this lab-grade sulphate salt in 250g bags to enable you to easily restore your sulphur levels. Contact us directly on and we can calculate the amount of sulphur you need for your tank. It is often quite surprising how much sulphur you actually need to raise a standard tank that has depleted sulphur levels.

You can raise 50ppm/100litres of sulphate with 22.1g of the sulphur compound. We recommend you don't raise the sulphur level by more than 50ppm per day. We prefer sprinkling the powder into a part of the sump with high flow e.g over a baffle, allowing it ample time to dissolve before it returns to the tank. Alternatively you can dissolve 30g in 1 litre of RO and dose it to the tank on a dosing head.

Please do not raise sulphate levels beyond 50ppm per day. Please store your sulphur compound in an airtight container and use within 3 months. Please do not ingest and keep away from children.

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Frag Farm Sulphur Corrective Dose - 250g

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